Dream of Sweeping Dust

Action is highlighted in a dream about sweeping dust. There is an aspect of yourself that has yet to be acknowledged or utilized. You will want to close the issues you have pending and address new challenges. Many times you keep inside you a whole intense world that you do not want to share with anyone.

Deeper Meanings:

  • Core Interpretations: Person, Resources, Friends, Expectations
  • Supportive Meanings: Goals, People, Relaxation

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Dream about Dust Dream of Sweeping

Dream about Sweeping Dust is interpreted as Person, Resources, Friends and Expectations

Dreams Interpretations
Sweeping dust outside person, awareness
Sweeping dust in a hallway resources, regaining
Sweeping dust from under furniture friends
Sweeping dust in an attic expectations
Sweeping dust into a bin danger, feelings
Endless sweeping of dust attitudes, life

Person and awareness are hinted at in a dream about sweeping dust outside. You are disinterested in a person and what he/she have to say. You’re being a little tight with your family and it’s time for you to be more communicative and open. You are not always aware that you are what you eat.

Resources and regaining are associated with a dream about sweeping dust in a hallway. You are lacking the resources or power to do the right thing. Today you will not enjoy a harmonious and quiet life. You regain the optimism and desire to start in a company, business or project.

Friends become apparent in a dream about sweeping dust from under furniture. You are feeling disempowered, resentful and frustrated. You will spread your joy to others since you will be today very sought after, very much in demand by everybody. What seemed an inevitable tragedy becomes a fortunate occasion for you. If a friend borrows money from you, don’t say no to the first exchange.

Dreaming of sweeping dust in an attic uncovers the significance of expectations. You may be yearning for a baby or that you are expecting a baby. If you are skillful, you will reserve time to devote to your most personal interests. Sometimes you take for granted certain things that are only evidence in your head.

Sweeping dust into a bin in a dream aligns symbolically with danger and feelings. You may be in danger of losing touch with reality. If you do, you will feel much stronger and want to do more things and enjoy. They are important people to you, but they are distancing themselves.

Attitudes and life are highlighted in a dream about endless sweeping of dust. You may need to clean up your image or readjust your attitude. You will live a tense situation within the family environment that can cause you headaches. The social life appears to be moving and with positive derivations for your professional activity.

“Goals, People and Relaxation” are symbolized in your dream through sweeping dust

Supportive Dreams Supportive Meanings
Sweeping dust with a broom goals
Finding treasure while sweeping dust people, hurts, listening
Symbolic meaning of sweeping dust relaxation

Goals are highlighted in a dream about sweeping dust with a broom. You need to take things more seriously and focus on your future goals. You may even see clearly what is expected of you in other ways. Also the others deserve your congratulations.

People, hurts and listening are drawn out by a dream about finding treasure while sweeping dust. Someone has disappointed you or let you down in some way. It’s your turn to give in in a negotiation, it’s clear. You’re still hurting from the betrayal that a good friend did to you a few months ago. Don’t listen to a person who is somehow getting into trouble.

Dreaming about symbolic meaning of sweeping dust connects to relaxation. You have a relaxed attitude about money and other financial matters. You are tenacious, of course, and that tenacity will be rewarded today in the emotional. You feel strong and capable of achieving everything you set out to do.

Enigma Says: Your Subconscious and Dream of Sweeping Dust Speak About Your Life Harmony

Harmony Index Wellness Index
89% 93%

Dream of sweeping dust shows excellent harmony for Health, Career and Love. You have good harmony for Family, Social, Growth, Journey, Luck and Money. Focus on what Enigma says below to increase your Faith harmony level.

Enigma Says

A heart rooted in faith finds rest, and rest is the key to health.

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