Dreams about Jewels

Advantages and hidden things are associated with a dream about jewels. Someone is taking advantage of your weaknesses. The conversations will be very entertaining and you will catch up on the lives of people you appreciate. Someone is hiding something from you that you need to know.

Deeper Meanings:

  • Core Interpretations: Life, Feelings, Issues, Expectations
  • Key Insights: Readiness, Significance, Beginnings
  • Connected Themes: Challenges, Comfort

Dreams about Jewels are interpreted as Life, Feelings, Issues and Expectations

Dreams Interpretations
A jewel in water feelings
A jewel in the ground issues, acceptance
A jewel in the sky expectations
A jewel in a box life, relationship, worries
Finding jewels life
Losing jewels escape

Dream about a jewel in water reveals feelings. You feel that you are losing your identity and your individuality. The day marked will be marked by disagreements. You have the weapons to feel safe and calm, but you should not trust.

Issues and acceptance are found in a dream about a jewel in the ground. You need to try to resolve some issues so they can finally be put to rest. You will feel a lot of relief and will lower the tension accumulated by this matter. Personally you have to be willing to forgive a person who will do you some harm. Accept that changes are necessary for your evolution.

Expectations are the key meanings in a dream about a jewel in the sky. You are trying too hard to live up to the expectations of others. Today will be a day without great shocks or intense emotions. Family togetherness is an important part of emotional stability for you and your loved ones.

A jewel in a box in a dream offers perspective on life, relationship and worries. Some situation or relationship is not going smoothly in your life. Your relationship will be more romantic. There is something that worries you but you don’t finish attending to it.

Life is drawn out by a dream about finding jewels. You are unknowingly letting your emotions influence aspects of your life. They will listen to you and may not agree with you at all, but at least you will leave them thinking about it. You want all the people around you to feel comfortable.

Escape is interpreted through a dream about losing jewels. You may be wanting to escape the pressures and stresses of adulthood. You will be able to have the necessary money for the expenses you may have in the immediate future. Sometimes you buy compulsively and that is not good.

Key Meanings of Jewels in dreams are Readiness, Significance and Beginnings

Key Dream Themes Key Meanings
Discovering a cave of jewels readiness, circumstances, proposals, fears
A tree that grows jewels significance, spending, beginnings
Animals made of jewels beginnings

Readiness, circumstances, proposals and fears are found in a dream about discovering a cave of jewels. You are ready to rid yourself of the negativity surrounding your life. Circumstances will lead to unexpected changes and bring about some surprise. He proposes to wipe the slate clean and not waste any more time in that bitter aftertaste. Don’t be afraid that circumstances will overtake you, even if it is something you see as difficult or risky.

Significance, spending and beginnings unfold in a dream about a tree that grows jewels. There are certain aspects that you wish that your significant other possess. You will have to spend a lot of time on a job or to attend some heavy customers. You are in a period where you are discovering things about yourself that you didn’t know before. If you are starting a relationship, it is best to trust the other person.

Beginnings are reflected in a dream about animals made of jewels. You need to start putting your words into action. Today you will meet someone who will bring you wisdom in this regard and you must listen to him. You now have in your hands the necessary tools to achieve what you want so much.

Dreams about Jewels = “Challenges and Comfort”. Why?

Dreams Interpretations
Finding a treasure chest of jewels challenges, feelings
A palace filled with jewels comfort, efforts, worries

Dreaming of finding a treasure chest of jewels leads to challenges and feelings. You need to take a deep breath and face up to the challenge. You will feel generous and willing to share everything you have. What better time to communicate with others.

Comfort, efforts and worries are revealed through a dream about a palace filled with jewels. You are looking for some comfort and support. Today you will feel the imperative need that in your life there is a before and after. You can make an effort to make your relationship the one you once dreamed of. Don’t worry, some will not be so peremptory, you can give yourself more time to think about them.

Enigma Says: Your Subconscious and Dreams about Jewels Speak About Your Life Harmony

Harmony Index Wellness Index
89% 93%

Dreams about jewels shows excellent harmony for Career, Journey and Love. You have good harmony for Family, Social, Growth, Luck, Faith and Money. Focus on what Enigma says below to increase your Health harmony level.

Enigma Says

Exercise is your personal path to emotional freedom and a positive outlook.

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