Dream about Purple Car

Achievements are pointed to by a dream about purple car. You need to stand back and look at the big picture. Soon others will be aware of all this. Your achievements and triumphs sometimes make others uncomfortable.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Person, Issues, Business, Possibilities
  • Supportive Meanings: Person, Joy
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Purple Water

Decisions and plans are interpreted through a dream about purple water. You have arrived to a decision or common understanding. Everything will go as planned and even better in many ways. The problems that have plagued you lately have drained your emotional and physical batteries.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Approaches, Situation, Consequences, Attention
  • Supportive Meanings: Decisions, Life, Integration
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Purple Parrot

Dream about purple parrot points to emotions, feelings, power and learning. You are guarded about certain emotional issues. You will feel a special chemistry for a person you have never noticed before. You have the power to transform your life and your image. Learn, don’t fall into the same trap.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Life, Understanding, Success
  • Connected Themes: Search, People
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Purple Shoes

Dream about purple shoes is interpreted as choices. You are going against the norm and are expressing your own personal choice and freedom. Someone close to you may ask your advice on a matter of the heart. Sedentarism could soon play tricks on you unless you get your act together.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Person, Focus, Negativity, Options
  • Supportive Meanings: Action, Learning, Issues
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Purple Garment

Dream about purple garment sheds light on potentials and advantages. You are not realizing your own potential. The economic freedom you aspire to is near. Even if it is true and you are right, those signs of aggressiveness do not give you a good image. Take advantage of any plan, especially at night which will be very intense.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: New Things, Offers, Solutions, Prevention
  • Supportive Meanings: Safety, Experiences
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Light Purple

Past is pointed to by a dream about light purple. An aspect of your self is need of rescue. If this is a business, you may have to wait a little longer. In the past, your main goal was to study.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Life, Good Things, Negativity, Underestimation
  • Connected Themes: Stress, Conflicts, Life
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Purple Heart

Dream about purple heart reflects the idea of possibilities, speaking and money. Perhaps you are being overly practical in some area of your life. You will speak from your heart to the one who shares your existence. A certain personal issue is distracting you too much from your work and that is not good. Money should not condition your days or your activities as much as it is.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Possibilities, Creativity, Achievements, Clarity
  • Connected Themes: Confidence, Life, Quality
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Purple Grapes

Lessons are suggested through a dream about purple grapes. You are teaching someone a lesson and giving them a hard time about something. You will be attracted by all that is art and innovation. It’s not that hard, look for inspiration or ask for advice.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Control, Achievements, Nature, Trap
  • Supportive Meanings: Goals, Responsibilities, Readiness
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Purple Onion

Dream about purple onion means that you need to combine various aspects in order to feel whole. You will ask yourself who you really are as an individual and look for ways to get to know you better. You know you have a friend for what you need and he has recently shown you that. Listen to those around you to have different visions of the same issue.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Protection, Strength, Life, People
  • Connected Themes: Issues, Possibilities, Initiatives
Life Harmony:

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Dream about Purple Butterfly

Dream about purple butterfly reveals insights into family. You are laying out a firm foundation for you and your family. Today you will feel exultant with joy, euphoric, excited. You are not in a state of mind to look for a partner in a distressing way.

Deeper Meanings:
  • Core Interpretations: Opportunities, Boundaries, Talents, Possibilities
  • Connected Themes: Discovery, Life
Life Harmony:

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